Cardiac science


Cardiac science

The Cardiology Department at Mediversal Hospital, recognized for having the best cardiologists in Patna, excels in advanced heart care, angioplasty and heart surgeries.

<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)">Heart Care | Mediversal Hospital- Best Heart Hospital in Patna</span>

<br> Mediversal Hospital, the best heart hospital in Patna, welcomes you. We deal with all kinds of heart problems. We have some best cardiologists in Patna.

Why Mediversal? <br>

  • Best Cardiology Team: We have the best cardiologist in Patna for dealing with all kinds of heart problems.
  • Latest Treatment: We offer the latest treatment for advanced heart disease, like Pacemakers, ACD, and CRT, and the best hospital for angioplasty in Patna. So, we specialize in diagnosing heart blockage problems.
  • Hi-Tech Set Up: The best heart hospital in Patna needs to have the latest heart care equipment. So, we have all kinds of modern machines for providing the best possible treatment to patients.

<br> Mediversal Hospital is here to provide you with the best heart care. We understand your needs whether you want to prevent yourself from heart disease or you already have some or other heart problems. We, the best cardiologists in the Patna team, will be with you to provide the best possible cardio care.

<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)">Cardiac Care at Mediversal Hospital</span>

<br> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)">With the most advanced Cath Labs and latest technology in the field of heart care, Mediversal Hospital has emerged as a front runner in providing cardiac treatments in Patna.</span>

  • Non Invasive Cardiology: Get tested through our hassle free non invasive cardiology tests like ECG, echocardiograms, stress test and Holter test monitoring.<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)"> These are some of the tests done to access the heart health at the quickest possible time without any surgery.</span>
  • Interventional Cardiology: Our panel of expert doctors specialize in interventional cardiology procedures like angioplasty, stent, and balloon valvuloplasty to increase the blood flow to the heart muscles and to relieve symptoms of heart disease.
  • Electrophysiology: The electrophysiology department specializes in diagnosing and treating the arrhythmia. Pacemaker implantation, cardiac resynchronization therapy are few of the treatments provided here to tackle irregular heartbeat.
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery: Be it coronary artery bypass grafting, heart valve repair/replacement surgery or aortic surgery, we use minimally invasive cardiac surgery to provide excellent outcomes with early recovery.

<br> Mediversal Hospital is among the best heart surgery hospital in Patna. Our advanced facility and skilled doctors together ensure that you get the best care for your heart, the way it deserves.

<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)">Know the Cause of Heart Disease</span>

<br> Heart disease is caused by the interaction of many risk factors. These risks factors can be divided into two categories – those you are born with and those which you modify.

Those you are Born With <br>

  • Age: As you get older, your chances of getting heart disease increases.
  • Gender: Men are more likely to have heart disease than women until menopause.
  • Genetics: Heart disease could run in the family. Your risk for heart disease is higher if a close family member was diagnosed with heart disease early in life.
  • Gene: Some genetic factors increase the risk for heart disease.

<br> Those you can Modify <br>

  • Tobacco Use: Tobacco harms the blood vessels and heart, and increases your chance of blood clots.
  • High Blood Pressure: It increases the workload of your heart and causes heart disease.
  • High Cholesterol: Low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol and high levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol leads to the build-up of blockages in your arteries.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus can injure the blood vessels and increase your risk for heart disease.
  • Obesity: Excess weight, especially around the waist, is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Lack of Physical Activity: Inactivity can contribute to other modifiable risk factors for heart disease.
  • Unhealthy Diet: A diet that is rich in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar increases the risk for heart disease.
  • Stress at Work: Chronic stress leads some people to overeat or become sedentary, which can contribute to heart disease.
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol drinking increases your blood pressure and damages the heart.

<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(23, 43, 77)">Understanding Heart Disease Symptoms</span>

<br> Symptoms of heart disease vary widely depending on the size and location of the blockages. Some people with heart disease may not have any symptoms.

The most common heart disease symptoms include: <br>

  • Angina (Chest Discomfort): Usually felt as pressure, tightness or burning, it generally happens during exertion or stress and is relieved after rest.
  • Shortness of Breath: Occurs with exercise or even at rest and sometimes when lying down. This symptom means your heart is not pumping as well as it should.
  • Fatigue: Prolonged weakness or lassitude (tiredness) out of proportion with activity.
  • Palpitations: Your heart may beat irregularly, skip beats or beat very fast.
  • Dizziness or Fainting: Dizziness happens when your heart is not pumping effectively and blood is not flowing to your brain.
  • Edema: Accumulation of fluid that may cause swelling in the legs, ankles, feet or abdomen and indicates heart failure.
  • Other Types of Pain: Chest pain is the most common, but pain, discomfort or numbness in the neck, jaw, shoulders or back may also occur; symptoms in the left arm, in particular, are a warning signal of heart disease.
  • Abdominal Symptoms: Nausea and indigestion or abdominal pain related to heart disease are often mistaken for gastrointestinal trouble.
  • Sweating: Along with other symptoms such as chest pain, sudden sweating could be a sign of heart attack.
  • Anxiety: With heart disease, you may feel anxious or have a sense of impending doom and this occurs most often before a heart attack.

<br> Are you suffering from any of these symptoms for a long time? Then, you should consult the best heart hospital in Patna - Mediversal Hospital.

Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases

<br> Several cardiovascular diseases have common symptoms; patients get confused and try to do self-diagnosis or self-medication by not going for medical advice. Avoid self-medication as it can aggravate the situation; go for the best heart hospital and get diagnosed in time to get treat and avoid major complications. Below is the list of vital diagnosis tests conducted to ascertain the cardiovascular disorders: <br>

  • Blood Tests: Different types of blood tests are done by the doctor to measure the risk factors and indicators of heart diseases like cholesterol, triglycerides and other blood lipids.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): It is the most common test to determine electrical activity of the heart which records the rhythm of your heart and the rate of beats. In this non-invasive procedure, electrodes are patched on the patient’s chest, ankle and wrists to detect the electrical signals of the heart.
  • Echocardiogram: Employing ultrasound waves, a sonographer moves a probe over the patient’s chest to record the heart’s structures and functions which generates a live image on the monitor to show the size, location, thickness and motion of the heart’s chambers, valves and the blood flow through them. This test is sometimes called echo. Doppler imaging is added to echo to display the blood flow through the heart chambers and valves and to detect any abnormal blood flow.
  • Stress Test: To evaluate the heart’s reaction to stress, patients are asked to walk on the treadmill and heart activity is recorded in this test. Sometimes, medications are given to simulate the stress to the heart if the patient cannot exercise.
  • Holter Monitoring: To check the sporadic heart rhythm abnormalities which are not recorded during the normal ECG test, Holter monitoring is done by the patients who wear a portable monitor which records the electrical activity of the heart for 24 to 72 hours.
  • Cardiac Catheterization: In this invasive test, a catheter is passed into the blood vessel which goes to the heart. It helps in assessing the heart function, pressure measurement, condition of coronary arteries and chambers of the heart with the aid of a radioactive dye.
  • Cardiac CT Scan: It is an imaging method which scans the heart and generates cross-sectional images to identify the abnormalities.
  • Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRI scans the heart’s interior images with the emitting and detecting radio waves through magnetic fields which assists the doctor to diagnose different types of heart diseases.
  • In case of any symptom or detailed evaluation of heart, always resort to Mediversal Hospital which is considered as the best heart provider in Patna; get intimation in time and get treated well by taking expert advice from top healthcare experts.

What We Treat

We specialize in treating a diverse range of medical conditions, leveraging advanced therapies and personalized care to address your unique health needs. From chronic diseases to acute conditions, our dedicated team is committed to restoring and maintaining your well-being

Angina (Stable and Unstable)

What It Is: Chest discomfort due to decreased blood supply to the heart. How We Treat It: Medicine, lifestyle changes, and occasionally procedures to increase blood supply.

Aortic Dissection

What It Is: A tear in the aorta, a large artery that springs off the heart. How We Treat It: Surgical repair immediately, or in some cases, medicine.

Atrial Fibrillation

What It Is: An uneven, sometimes accelerated heart rhythm that can potentially lead to strokes. How We Treat It: Medicine, electrical cardioversion, and lifestyle changes.

Bradycardia and Sinus Bradycardia

What It Is: Slow heart rates. How We Treat It: Monitoring, medicine, or pacemaker insertion as needed.

Cardiac Arrest

What It Is: The abrupt cessation of heart action, breathing, and consciousness. How We Treat It: CPR, defibrillation, and advanced cardiovascular life support.

Cardiac Arrhythmia

What It Is: Any abnormal heart rhythm. How We Treat It: Medicine, catheter-based procedures, or implanted devices to control heart rate.

Cardiogenic Shock

What It Is: Your heart suddenly fails to pump a sufficient amount of blood to the rest of your body. How We Treat It: Medicine and emergency assist devices to help support your heart.

Cardiomegaly (Enlarged Heart)

What It Is: Heart enlargement due to multiple etiologies. How We Treat It: Address underlying cause; medication and monitoring.

Congenital Heart Disease

What It Is: A structural abnormality of the heart or its vessels that is present at birth. How We Treat It: Surgery or catheter-based procedures; specific to the lesion.

Congestive Heart Failure

What It Is: The heart cannot pump a normal amount of blood. How We Treat It: Medicine, lifestyle changes, and surgery to assist the heart in its pumping action.

Diabetes (with heart implications)

What It Is: Diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease. How We Treat It: Management of glucose and cardiovascular risk factors with medicine and lifestyle changes.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

What It Is: Decreased ability of the heart to pump blood. How We Treat It: Medicine, lifestyle changes, and assist devices.


What It Is: Infection of the heart’s inner lining, which affects the chambers and valves. How We Treat It: Antibiotics, and in some cases, surgical interventions.

Heart Murmur

What It Is: Extra sounds during heartbeat often harmless but sometimes a sign of an underlying heart problem. How We Treat It: Monitoring or treatment if associated with a heart condition.

Heart Palpitations

What It Is: A sensation of rapid, fluttering, or pounding beats. How We Treat It: Generally benign; treatment of underlying causes if associated.

High Cholesterol

What It Is: Elevated blood lipids which increase the risk of heart disease. How We Treat It: Medical nutrition therapy, exercise, and medication to reduce lipid levels.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

What We Treat: Long-standing high blood pressure which stresses the heart and blood vessels. How We Treat: Lifestyle modifications and medication to bring blood pressure into normal range.

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

What We Treat: Narrow or blocked arteries in the legs, often interfering with mobility and causing pain. How We Treat: Lifestyle changes, medication, and occasionally procedures to open arteries or create bypasses.

Rheumatic Heart Disease

What We Treat: Damage to one or more of the heart’s valves caused by rheumatic fever. How We Treat: Long-term antibiotics to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever, medications to alleviate symptoms, and surgery to repair or replace affected valves.

Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

What We Treat: A rapid heart rate originating above the ventricles. How We Treat: Vagal maneuvers, medication, catheter ablation, or surgery depending on the severity and response to above treatments.

Valvular Heart Disease

What We Treat: The malfunction of one or more of the four heart valves which regulate blood flow through the heart. How We Treat: Medications to alleviate symptoms and surgery to repair or replace affected valves.

Vascular Surgery

What We Treat: Aneurysms, atherosclerosis, and varicose veins. How We Treat: Angioplasty, stent placement, surgical bypass, aneurysm repair, and other vascular procedures.

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Access expert medical advice and personalized healthcare solutions by consulting with our team of experienced doctors.


Dr. Ashim Parwez

Consultant - Cardiologist



Dr. Vikash Singh

Senior Consultant & HOD, Cardiac Sciences

MBBS, MD(Medicine), DM(Cardiology)


Dr. Rajiv Krishna

Senior Consultant - Cardiology